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Discussion forum for the new User Experience Professionals Association
Investing in the Future of UX
This year you’ll see a lot of fresh faces in DC at the UXPA 2013 Conference. We’re so happy to welcome more than 60 student attendees! It’s really important to UXPA as an organization to support and enhance the development … Continue reading →
Call for UXPA2013 Conference Session Chairs
This year I’m volunteering for UXPA 2013 as a Session Chair Coordinator. That means I’m scheduling session chairs for all of the sessions at the D.C. conference. Since I know you’re all going, I’m asking for your help. Please volunteer … Continue reading →
Sarah Bloomer; Principal, Sarah Bloomer & Co; USA
Building a Strategic and Effective UX Team
Tuesday, July 9, 2013
9:00 am - 5:15 pm
Gunston West
Session Type:
Full Day Tutorial
If you’re a new or experienced UX manager, you probably wonder if other teams face the same issues and how their teams work. This tutorial is designed with that in mind. It’s equal parts hearing from an expert and learning from each other. We’ll cover how to create a successful UX team for your company and its culture, that is, people, location, methods, and goals. We’ll give equal time to learning from each other. Ask your big hairy questions so the group can address them. You’ll leave with ideas to try as soon as you get back to work.
Advanced Practitioners
Sarah Bloomer has over 20 years in user experience design. In 1991, she co-founded The Hiser Group in Australia, designing GUIs, training hundreds of UX designers and helping clients set up usability teams. As Director of UX at Constant Contact, Sarah transformed the team to a group of researchers, interaction and visual designers, writers and front end coders. Today Sarah Bloomer & Co addresses the growing demand for design research, UX strategy and UX design training. She coaches UX managers and helps UX teams become more effective. She has delivered courses, tutorials and workshops worldwide.