Sponsor Options
These days, with marketing budgets stretched to their limits, it just makes sense to promote your company's products and services with the UXPA, because we provide access to the customers you most want to meet.
Sample 2013 Sponsor options: (2013 marketing guide) > Hospitality Sponsor $30,000 (limit 2) > Wifi Sponsor $20,000 > Speaker Sponsor $10,000 > Mobile App Sponsor $8,000 > Track Sponsor $7,000 > T-Shirt Sponsor $7,500 > Hero Sponsor $6,000 (1 sold, thank you !) > Neck wallet Sponsor $6,000 (sold, thank you Aquilent!) > Program Sponsor $6,000 > Break Sponsor $5,000 > Conference Patron $2,500 For detailed information on the above options, answers to questions, or to share your creative suggestions, please contact Nicole Tafoya at or . |