Presenter:          Brian Sullivan; Sabre; USA
Title: Design Like Da Vinci: Collaboration Secrets from Da Vinci's Sketchbooks
Day/Date: Friday, July 12, 2013
Time: 11:00 am - 12:00 pm
Location:  Columbia 3
Session Type: 60 Minute Presentation

Leonardo Da Vinci produced over 13,000 pages in his sketchbooks, which are his greatest legacy. Within his sketchbooks, you can find examples of Da Vinci collaborating with other artists, doctors, and soldiers.  Several patterns emerge.

Over the past few years, I have created some Davincian principles that I use in Design Studios and UX Critiques.  By using these guidelines, you can design like Da Vinci.  Your collaboration will be more effective.  Your product teams will have more consensus.
Audience: General
Track:  Design
Biography: Brian Sullivan is the President of DFW-UXPA, Usability Principal at the Sabre Human Factors Center, and Founder of the Big Design Conference. Brian speaks at industry events, such as SxSW Interactive, UXPA, Big Design, and UXPA Boston. Brian has published over 250 articles on the Big Design Magazine. He wrote the cover article for UX Magazine called 'Design Like DaVinci' in 2011.Brian has been in the UX field for over 20 years with over 10 years in the usability labs at Sabre. He lives in Texas with his wife, son, and their cat, who lets them live in 'her' house. 
Key Words: ux, design, sketch, wireframe, Da Vinci, art, web, mobile, kiosk