
Bowden  Azilah Ann

Laura Bowden; Director - UX Research, Fidelity Investments; USA;
Azilah Baker; UX Research, Fidelity Investments; USA
Ann Chadwick-Dias; Director - UX Research, Fidelity Investments; USA
Jessica Elliott; UX Research, Fidelity Investments; USA
Kate McCaffrey; UX Research, Fidelity Investments; USA
Jen Otto; UX Research, Fidelity Investments; USA
Marty True; UX Research, Fidelity Investments; USA

Title: Increase your Reach! The Pros and Cons of 7 Unmoderated Usability Tools
Day/Date: Wednesday, July 10, 2013
Time: 1:30pm - 2:30pm
Location:  Columbia 3
Session Type: Ignite Session
Description: For quantitative studies, there are a host of tools available for remote unmoderated usability testing. They can stand on their own or be paired with lab testing for more in-depth results, depending on your goals. Our research team has years of in-depth experience using tools including UserZoom, Loop 11, Chalkmark, Treejack,, SurveyGizmo, and Usabilla. We even made Survey Gizmo work for mobile studies. In this Ignite session, we will share what we've learned: The best tools for the job and how to tweak the tools get the job done!
Audience: UX Fundamentals/Novice practitioners
Track:  Evaluation

Laura Bowden: A UX Research Director at a large financial firm, the speaker has practiced UX Research for 12 years. Prior to that she did undergraduate research in neuroscience and genetics, and graduate research in cognitive psychology.

Ann Chadwick-Dias: Ann Chadwick-Dias is a Director of User Experience Research at Fidelity Investments where she is part of Fidelity's User Experience Design team and oversees user research for She actively researches issues related to universal design and accessibility with users. She received her B.S. with a Bio-Behavioral concentration from UMass/Boston and a M.A. in Technical Communication from Northeastern University. She has also lead a corporate-wide accessibility initiative at Fidelity Investments. She has presented on topics related to universal usability at numerous conferences including UPA, CHI, CUU, Aging by Design, Boston IA, Boston UPA, HCII, and CSUN. She also teaches at the John Slatin Access U Web Accessibility Conference, and courses on Universal Usability at Bentley University's Human Factors and Information Design Master's Program. She has more than 20 years of research experience with journal publications in several fields, including human-computer interaction, psychobiology, and psycholinguistics.

Azilah Baker: Azilah Baker joined Fidelity in 2011 as a UX Research Coordinator and discovered the unexpectedly fascinating world of retirement savings. Working with people from all walks of life and all stages of retirement readiness has enlightened her on the American savings crisis and how she is inadvertently a part of it. Consequently, she would like to make a public service announcement (not officially endorsed by Fidelity!) that you should aim to contribute $1458 a month towards your 401(k) this year. If 1458 people read this biography, that’s 1458 more people thinking about their target retirement savings! (Consider yourself nudged.)

Azilah credits the Human Factors in Information Design graduate program at Bentley University for introducing her to the wonderful world of usability. It allowed her to combine her web management and IT skills with her psychology background and discover her place in the world. Her dream projects include financial usability research with multi-cultural and multi-national populations.

Key Words: quantitative, unmoderated, tool, survey, Qualtrix, Usabilla, treejack, usertesting, chalkmark,loop1l