
Unconference - Fri, July 12, 2013

What is an 'Unconference'?

Unconference is all about you as conference attendee. It is about stepping out of the traditional conference model involving presentations selected months beforehand and panels of speakers. It is about making the conference a social event. You as a conference attendee have the chance to pitch your topic at the conference, get votes, and become a presentation star. These sessions are intended to create space for peer-to-peer learning and creativity. These are lightning talks of 10 minutes for each topic followed by another 10 minutes for Q&A. A total of 6 topics will be selected based on the attendee votes.

(There's more Unconference info on the UXPA blog, and there's a YouTube video, too!) 

Topic submissions:
Look for the Unconference bulletin board at the conference. Submit your topic by completing the submission form and posting it on the designated bulletin board by 8:00 p.m. on Wednesday, July 10. Submission forms will be available on the bulletin board.

Duration of each topic:

Maximum 10 minutes for each topic presentation followed by 10 minutes Q&A.

Allowed topics:
Any non-commercial topic related to user experience from any perspective. Some examples: Show and tell, throw a challenge to the usability field, host a question and answer session, teach a new technique, interactive UX game, sing an interaction design hip hop song, or be crazy and brave. 

Format of the presentation:
You as a presenter decide which format works for your topic. There will be a projector in the presentation room. If you need any other material, work with Unconference committee chairs or conference reception desk. Based on 2012 conference feedback, attendees expect the presenters to use presentation slides. However, if you can rock the audience without slides, do it! It is up to you.

Advice for unconference presenters:

  • Don't feel that you have to "fill" up the 10 minutes of time for presentation and 10 minutes for Q&A. If what you have to say only takes 5 minutes and there are no questions from the audience, you can end the session early and give the next presenter a chance to start early. If you have more to say than fits in 10 minutes or there are more audience questions, share your contact information with attendees and ask them contact you.
  • There is a special mix of experience and opinion in the room -- that's the beauty of unconference. Never assume people in the room know more or less than you. Relax and have fun. Show up smiling and everything will go easier. :)
  • Don't be scared to pick tough topics! You can create your topic and the angle you use to present it. 
  • Be prepared for unexpected things (slides don't work, the projector doesn't start, microphone has an issue, etc.) but don't let them slow you down! Just remember, people are there to hear you speak on your topic.
Topic Selection:

Conference attendees will choose the unconference topics. A total of 6 topics will be selected based on attendee votes. Check your registration packet for sticky dots. Use those dots to vote on your favorite topic on Thursday, July 11 between 8:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m.


Why it is for only 10 minutes?
Revolutions are triggered with just 140 character tweets. According to Scott Berkun, an average American says 12,000 words a day, mostly at work, and frequently to convince others of their ideas. In 10 minutes you can say lot more than 140 characters or thousands of words to talk to the UX community  at large.

Where can I get the presentation template?
There is no specific template for presentation. It is up to the presenter to create slides themselves--if they need them.

Do presenters of Unconference sessions get a discount in conference registration?
No. Unconference is intended to make you famous for 10 minutes.

More questions?

Contact: xpa.org

