Presenter:          Janice Nall; Managing Director of Atlanta, Danya International; USA
Cari Wolfson; President and User Experience Principal, Focus on U!; USA
Title: Usability Best Practices for Adopting Responsive Design
Day/Date: Wednesday, July 10, 2013
Time: 3:00 pm - 4:00 pm
Location:  Columbia 3
Session Type: Panel
Description: The ever-changing consumer-driven digital landscape presents government agencies an opportunity to exceed expectations and a challenge to ensure those expectations are met anytime, anyplace and anywhere for everyone. Join our panel of experts to learn the key elements of usability and best practices in the realm of responsive design and app development for government agencies.
Audience: General
Track:  Design, Government
Biography: As a leader for communication technology in the public and private fields, the moderator has managed multiple large-scale e-health and new media initiatives. In her roles, she has been responsible for increasing the usability of U. S. Government websites and other communication technologies by providing policy, guidance, tools, resources, and training to Web developers and communicators. In addition, she led the development of cross-agency usability programs and various usability tools, resources, and publications. Her recognitions include being honored as one of the top executives from government, industry, and academia who had the greatest impact on the government information systems community.
Key Words: Responsive design, usability, adaptive content, government, native apps